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The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme

About the programme.

The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme has been launched in 2015 in cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

Ignacy Łukasiewicz  – the patron of the programme was an outstanding Polish scientist pharmacist oil industry pioneer inventor of the kerosene lamp.

The aim of the programme is to support the social and economic growth of developing countries (excluding the Eastern Partnership countries) by increasing the level of education and professional skills of the citizens of these countries.

Furthermore the participation in the programme is a great opportunity to become familiar with Polish culture and language. It also gives possibility to meet  Polish students and academics.


The Project co – financed by the Polish development cooperation programme

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.


Scholarship offer.

Scholarships offered within the programme include free both 2nd degree studies (Master studies) and 3rd degree studies (PhD studies) conducted at public universities supervised by the minister responsible for higher education.

The amount of the scholarship which covers the costs of accommodation and living is PLN 1350 per month.

The programme is primarily aimed at the citizens of: Angola Colombia Ethiopia Indonesia Kenya Mexico Mongolia Mozambique Myanmar Nigeria Palestine Senegal South Africa Tanzania and Vietnam.

The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Scholarship Programme consists of the two types of scholarships:

  • Master studies (preceded by a one-year university preparatory course) in science natural sciences technical sciences agricultural forestry and veterinary sciences (45 scholarships per year);
  • PhD studies in the following fields: mathematics physics chemistry biology Earth sciences technical sciences agricultural forestry and veterinary sciences (15 scholarships per year).

Enrolment for the scholarships for the Master studies is conducted through the Polish diplomatic and consular posts which are accredited in countries of candidates’ origin.

Enrolment for the scholarships for the PhD studies is conducted through the Polish universities.

Detailed information about the enrolment process is published in the enrolment section.



Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange

Ogrodowa 28/30 Str. 00-375 Warsaw Poland

Phone: (22) 393-38-19 Fax: 826-28-23

E-mail: lukasiewicz@buwiwm.edu.pl


Zgodnie z art.63 § 2 ustawy z dnia 14 czerwca 1960 r. kodeks postępowania administracyjnego Biuro Uznawalności Wykształcenia i Wymiany Międzynarodowej informuje, że udziela odpowiedzi na korespondencję otrzymaną pocztą elektroniczną jedynie, gdy zawiera ona następujące dane:

- imię i nazwisko osoby kierującej zapytanie
- adres (kod pocztowy, miejscowość, ulica i nr domu)
- określenie przedmiotu sprawy.
- obywatelstwo (dla cudzoziemców)

Listy napisane zgodnie z powyższymi wytycznymi prosimy kierować na adres e-mail: biuro@buwiwm.edu.pl

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